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Aquaculture Species. Tench
Process and Productive Volume of the "VAD" Aquaculture Center
1) Reproductive System, where the breeders are conditioned in a natural environment with live food, daily oxygen control, PH and temperature, until the spawning with the technique of hormonal injection and in vitro fertilization. Eggs and larvae are kept in incubation until hatching.

2) Fingerling System, which allows controlled production of Tench fingerlings throughout the year. In the Breeding Area, the first controlled fingerling is performed and a second fingerling in the Pre-Fattening Zone, so that the facilities have an effective cyclic use.

3) SRS® Patented Production System, in closed circuit water (RAS), which aims to:

- To Implement the system of production of Tench, by means of rectangular trays arranged in heights and adapted to the physiological and biological characteristics of the Tench, that allow to produce large quantities of tench in reduced spaces of water. Controlling the quality and temperature of the water.

- To Construct modular system of independent production for the fattening of fingerlings of Tench to its commercial size.

The characteristics of the facilities of the "VAD"® Aquaculture Center, provide numerous advantages, defined above, but the fundamental and main benefit of the SRS® Production System over the traditional productive system is to " Shorten the Cycle Productive Fattening of the Tench ".
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The facilities of the new patented (SRS)® Production System by VAD Ltd, implement the Pre-fattening / Fattening Systems and control the quality and temperature of the water (working with constant temperatures of 24-26 ºC), avoiding that Tench enters in periods of hibernation, continuing its inertia of growth up to the commercial size of 120 grams, shortening the cycle of growth from its reproduction to the commercial size, from 26 months to 16 months, increasing the productive volume of the plant.

The "VAD"® Aquaculture Center has developed and works with a " New Production Cycle of Tench Growth ", as shown in the following table:
In the facilities of the Fingerling System, the juveniles of tench increase their growth in 10 months, from 0 grams to 12 grams.

Then in the modular production facilities SRS, in a period of 6 months, fingerlings grow from 12 grams to the commercial size of 120 grams, obtaining a semi-annual production capacity of 200 tons to 230 tons of Tench.

Simultaneously to the semi-annual growth of the production system, in the zone of pre-fattening of the system the fingerlings of 2 grams, grow until reaching the 12 grams.

By maintaining this biannual cyclic growth continuity in both the fingerling system and production system, an increase in production is obtained.
Therefore, The Production Volume of Annual Tench of The Plant ( with a commercial size of Tench of 120 grams ), thanks  to  the annual controlled production of  fingerlings and the implement  of  the  pre-fattening zone with a cyclic growth of Tench fingerlings (2 grams to 12 grams), is from 400 tons to 460 tons.

We emphasize that in addition to shortening the productive cycle of fattening of the Tench, the implementation of the new production system on the traditional productive system allows:

-  Greater Sanitary Control of the productive process and health of the Tench.

-  Increased Efficiency by reducing predation mortality. (Losses of Fingerlings of Tench of between 10 and 100 grams in the traditional extensive systems are of the order of 30%).

-  Environmental Advantages in the lower water consumption and higher optimization of the food generating less waste.

-  Improvement of The Conditions in the well-being of the tench and of work for the personnel of the plant.

The research, development and efforts of the department R+D+I, carried out by VAD Ltd have enabled the optimization, design and start-up of the First Aquaculture Center in Spain for Fattening of Tench that implements the SRS® Intensive Production System in closed cycle water, RAS System, respectful of the well-being of the Tench and the environment, profitable, that allows to supply to the market of Tench in sufficient quantity and quality, all the year.

With regard to patented technology, it is a pioneering project to adapt the specialized and designed technology, the SRS® Production System together with the water recirculation system (RAS), to the species with which it is working, the Tench.
VIKING AQUACULTURE DEVELOPMENT Ltd. Copyright © MADRID 2.018. All rights reserved.
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•  Species. Tench :

-  Tench. Analysis
-  Tench. Productive 
    Volume of VAD
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